

2018-06-22  点击:[]


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沈洋,公共经济与社会政策系副教授、博士生导师,中国家庭社会学专委会理事。本科就读于复旦大学历史系,在伦敦政治经济学院获得性别研究(Gender Studies)博士学位。研究方向包括性别社会学、家庭社会学和公共政策,长期聚焦于从社会性别视角探索公共政策、工作和家庭的联结以及家庭互动。

Yang Shen is an associate Professor and a PhD supervisor in the School of International and Public Affairs at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. She received her PhD degree in Gender Studies at the London School of Economics. Her research interests focus on how gender intersects with public policies, family processes and migration. Her current research projects include women’s reproductive behaviour, housing and intimacy, and online dating in China. Her research appeared in Studies in Higher Education, Journal of Family Issues, China Quarterly, Journal of Social Issues, among others. Her book monograph ‘Beyond tears and laughter: gender, migration and the service sector in China’ has been published by Palgrave in 2019. Dr. Shen is also a freelancer writer for various media both in Chinese and in English.





2019.12-至今     上海交通大学国际与公共事务学院,副教授

2016.3-2019.12    上海交通大学国际与公共事务学院,助理教授


· 性别与家庭社会学:二胎生育行为研究,育儿中的家庭互动,网络相亲,服务业外来务工人员的主体性与主观能动性研究

· 公共政策研究: 婚育保障政策,住房政策与人才政策


性别与家庭研究 (Gender and family studies)

1. Qian, Y., Shen, Y.*, & Cai, M. (2022). Gendered Age Preferences for Potential Partners: A Mixed-Methods Study Among Online Daters in Shanghai. Chinese Sociological Review. Online first.

2. Shen, Y. & Jiang, L. (2021). Power-relations in reproductive decisions under the transforming family planning policy in China, Journal of Family Issues. Online first.

3. Shen, Y. & Jiang, L. (2020). Labour market outcomes of professional women with two children after the one-child policy in China, Journal of Social Issues. 76(3): 632-658. (SSCI Q1)

4. Shen, Y. & Jiang, L. (2020). Reproductive choices of highly educated employed women with two children under the universal two-child policy, Journal of Family Issues, 41(5): 611-635.

5. Shen, Y. & Hu, Y. (2020). Emotional labour in a translocal context: Rural migrant workers in China’s service sector, Social & Cultural Geography. Online first.

6. Wu, W., Shen, Y.*, Du, M. & Hu, B. (2020). Non-familial coresidence and life satisfaction: Evidence from China, Habitat International. 100, 102188 (SSCI Q1)

7. Shen, Y. (2019). Beyond tears and laughter: Gender, migration and the service sector in China, London: Palgrave McMillan. (专著)

8. Shen, Y. (2016). Filial daughters? Agency and subjectivity of rural migrant women in Shanghai. The China Quarterly, 2016. vol. 226: 519-537. (SSCI Q1)

公共政策研究 (Public policy research)

1. Shen, Y., & Lu, T. (2022). Between the state, capital, and families: the production of children’s space in urban China. Children's Geographies, 1-9.

2.沈洋,“全面三孩”政策下妇女就业问题与相关政策分析(pp. 60-63),收录于《解读三孩生育政策,推动构建包容性配套支持措施》,妇女研究论丛,2021,第4期,总第166期,48-82.

3. Yang, F., Shen, Y.*, Nehring, D. (2021). Maltreatment and depression among left-behind adolescents in rural China: the moderating roles of food security and depression literacy. Child Abuse & Neglect,114, 104976. ( SSCI Q1).

4. Li, B. & Shen, Y.* (2020). Publication or pregnancy? Employment contracts and childbearing of women academics in China, Studies in Higher Education, 47(4): 875-887. (SSCI Q1)

5. Shen, Y. & Li, B (2020) Policy coordination in the talent war to achieve economic upgrading: the case of four Chinese cities, Policy Studies, 43(3):443-463.

6.沈洋,蒋莱(2018)提高生育率,需要政府和社会为女性提供育儿支持,城市治理研究,No. 3: 27-33.


8. Shen, Y. (2015). Why does the government fail to improve the living conditions of migrant workers in Shanghai? Reflections on the policies and the implementations of public rental housing under neoliberalism. Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies, 2015. 2: 58–74.





·国际博士研究生专业必修课 Research Ethics and Thesis writing

·国际硕士班英文课程 Gender, Intimacy and Social Policy

科研奖励与项目(Research Grants




媒体发表(Media impact 更新于2020年)

· 沈洋:女性正在被更多地“看见” ,光明日报,2020年12月15日02版 http://epaper.gmw.cn/gmrb/html/2020-12/15/nw.D110000gmrb_20201215_4-02.htm

· 生孩子还是发论文?“非升即走” 制度下青年教师的焦虑,知识分子,http://zhishifenzi.com/depth/depth/10608.html

· 沈洋,生了二胎后,女性还能好好工作吗?解放日报,2020年10月9日,https://web.shobserver.com/journal/showNewsDetail.htm?id=301371

· “全职太太算不算独立女性”的讨论前提就错了 ——观《三十而已》有感,中国妇女报,2020年8月2日,http://epaper.cnwomen.com.cn/content/2020-08/03/071265.html?from=timeline&isappinstalled=0

· 沈洋,母亲节许个愿:愿母职不再被过分强调,澎湃新闻,2020年5月10日 https://www.thepaper.cn/newsDetail_forward_7307459


· 接受《界面新闻》专访,见刊于“【专访】社会学者沈洋:服务业男女工人以不同方式处于劣势,性别阶层户口不平等彼此交织”,https://www.jiemian.com/article/4574384.html

· 接受《中国妇女报》专访,见刊于“‘生’影响‘升’,当生育开启了“再社会化”的迷茫”:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/1hAIhcaBAkshw1KHeVaOgA

· 接受《界面新闻》采访,见刊于“‘顾学’背后的全职妈妈迷思:女性既独立自主又辛勤顾家是否可能?”:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/F9La7Iz3Zul5_4Pb2fEU2w 






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